PLDT myDSL & Nuffnang bring you "Resident Evil: Retribution"

Remember that PLDT myDSL TVC that got everyone so hooked up? Yes, that’s the one with the boy named Derek singing his heart out – pouring his heart over some girl named Anna. Well, he’s back! But this time, it’s not a very happy one since the love of her life blatantly rejected him. Ouch! And she even made a response video to “get” even with him.

You can watch Anna’s rejection video to Derek here.

Good thing, there’s always his family to support him and shower him with love. Isn’t Derek’s sister adorable? And guess what? They are helping Derek find his new Anna! You can check it out on the new PLDT myDSL TVC here.

And in case you’d like to see Derek’s video one more time, here’s the link

Poor, poor Derek. Some girls just don’t know about subtlety and cannot understand that when a young boy is devastated, it’s bad. Well, now Derek, you’re still young and you should move forward and look back to this episode with a smile on your face.

But hey, you can help Derek and his family find his new “Anna.” If you know someone cute and gutsy like Derek, you can tell her to head on to and submit a video entry explaining why she should be the new Anna. How cool is that? What’s cooler is that the winner will get the chance to star in the next PLDT myDSL commercial as well as take home a Samsung Ultrabook! So girls aged 12-16, what are you waiting for? Get that camera rolling and shoot your video!

Oh by the way, I am writing this blog post because PLDT myDSL and Nuffnang are hosting another movie screening. Yes, it’s an advance screening of “Resident Evil: Retribution” and they are doing it at the plush Newport Ultra Cinema on September 12! And according to Nuffnang, lazy boy seats + unlimited popcorn and soda! Sweet!

Hey, read! They are giving 2 tickets each to only 30 Nuffnangers and you have to have at least 1 ad unit on your blog. The contest will run from September 1 (12 noon) - and that’s today – to September 6 (12 noon). Winners will be announced on September 6.  So, post your entries now! Check out further details here.
