Game 3 ended with Spurs winning their first victory in 3 consecutive games. Ah well, now i can see the light of hope shining in front of me again. Hehe. Go SPURS!
Anyway, as i was browsing Yahoo!Sports NBA results for the just concluded game, i stumbled upon a photo showing only a black shoes with the name "BRIAN!" written on it.
Anyway, as i was browsing Yahoo!Sports NBA results for the just concluded game, i stumbled upon a photo showing only a black shoes with the name "BRIAN!" written on it.

Actually, the name looks like it was written using chalk. That intrigued me especially because the caption of the photo says.. "New Orlean's Chris Paul wears..." So. i clicked the photo to enlarge it (wondering what's with that name while i do so). I found out (in the photo's storyline) that Paul is doing it as a tribute to his 8-year old fan who died last Monday. That moved me. Why, I understand how a little fan who's idolizing someone wants to meet his idol one day... because I was like that when I was a child. And to think he passed away without even realizing his small dreams of meeting his hero. I'm actually on the verge of tears right now. For all my life, since i was a kid, it's been some kind of obsession to me to meet or even get a glimpse of my basketball idols. I would even say then, that if that's gonna happen then i could die peacefully. Oh, that's supposed to be funny but now I can't bring myself to laugh.
I'm sure Paul feels for the kid. And I'm glad that NBA heroes actually really care for their fans. (well, they ought to be, right?) I remember last week, i saw Kobe Bryant (on TV) giving his old pair of shoes to a fan whom he visited. Ah, NBA stars do have hearts, don't they?
*Anyway, though I was moved by the gesture, I still don't want the Hornets to beat the Spurs in the Semis.*
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